24 just bought a new pack
how many cans of shaving cream?
texaschickeee wrote: 24 just bought a new pack how many cans of shaving cream?
2 or 3.
How many UNUSED ok or used for that matter CONDOMS in the closet.???
Layers? Oh good grief...a bra and a T-shirt....shorts if my legs are shaved.
Hell with layers.....
How many pairs of socks do you own?
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
at least 20.
pairs of underwear?
more than 35 (I love Victoria's Secret)
How many different shampoos?
3- one for each family member
How many left over food entrees in your fridge
0 (too many kids)
How many condoms/birth control items in the house?
2...some condoms somewhere in a drawer and one child.
How many remotes do you have?
atleast 5
How many "toys" do you have?
"All you need is love" The Beatles
how many animals do you have in the house....
3 dogs 2 kids and my wife (woof-woof! *pant pant*)
how many guns or other weapons
Well, lets see--50, 22, 6 Japanese swords, 1 battle sword, 3 bo's---TOTAL 12
LADIES--How many "full-body" orgasms?
wouldnt you like to know...
How many fans?
texaschickeee wrote: Woody-wouldnt you like to know...WELL?????? I'm still waiting.................................
WELL?????? I'm still waiting.................................
texaschickeee wrote:Woody-wouldnt you like to know... How many fans?
About 50
How many music CD's?
many......ball park guess, 15.
How many plants?
How many bottles of perfume/cologne?
how many bottles of lotion?
ronin...whats your question of how many do we have....
Oh yeah, I forgot... ummm...
How many days of vacation this year?
10 in Florida, 5 left over
How many ex-So's (girlfriends or boyfriends)
4 or 5
Im not very "out there" never have been.
my last SO was one of the longest (and worst)relationships, I got rid of the bed when i got rid of him. (clues)
how many trash cans are in your house?