Photogrrlz wrote: Guys I think you all got off track.... We having be in a relationship for over a month and dating for 2...
The problem was we never can get freakin' alone time.... So much drama and people currently surrounding us......
Hence why I said it would of been the 2nd offical
HHHAAAA NO ALONE TIME??? Try getting married. Then you REALLY HAVE NO FUCKING TIME... Jeebus, If i was single or NO KIDS, I wouldnt know what to do with the free time. I might actually be able to get back in the gym...
A monday morning lunatic disturbed from time to time...
Photogrrlz wrote: Guys I think you all got off track.... We having be in a relationship for over a month and dating for 2...
The problem was we never can get freakin' alone time.... So much drama and people currently surrounding us......
Hence why I said it would of been the 2nd offical
HHHAAAA NO ALONE TIME??? Try getting married. Then you REALLY HAVE NO FUCKING TIME... Jeebus, If i was single or NO KIDS, I wouldnt know what to do with the free time. I might actually be able to get back in the gym...
Haven't you figured it out yet? When you have kids one of the rules is that you have to be tired all the time and have no time for yourself.
Now back to the date thing. I wish that I could help but I honestly don't remember what a date is. Sorry.