as you all know I have a co worker i call sister sand paper. she rubs EVERY ONE the wrong way, and hince she is about as soft and nice as sandpaper.
this bitch has been at almost everyones throat and thinks (as well as says) she doesnt think she can be fired.
that changed today.
She finally pissed off my boss,"mike" to the point that he said to her, if the fighting doesnt stop, and if YOU dont make changes to KEEP your self in peace, I will ssend you home for a permenant vacation.
This bitch went after me and in doing so, hit my boss the CEO.
We are very short counselors and techs at this time.....hince I help out on other units to make sure we keep this place open. I we given a directive to clear my scheule and be in a meeting at 10 am last week friday. The CEO was on site for something totally differant.
My other co owrker....eye witnessed her seal me out, informed Mike what went down and hince......her attacking me. (she is a 60 year old tht is very jeaulous that she didnt do what she wanted, and I being younger then her only child, and the lead over her.....has some issues with that.
Her daughter also is disabled and was borned with this genetic disorder. (not downs but its called turners syndrome. She also has a hole in her heart that can not be repaird due to her ashma and lungs being very weak, she was a preme tht was born at 7 months, almost 40 yers ago.)
MIke basiocaly told me.....let her suck lemons until she is ready to face you. She didnt know I knew she stab me untill I called her on her shit front of the boss. (That was sweet)
Sounds like you played the cards you were dealt & WON!
Sweet . . .
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