Judge orders him to pay $45 million in restitution
By KRISTEN HAYS Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle
Former Enron Corp. CEO Jeff Skilling took the blow of a 24-year prison sentence the same way he took a jury's decision that he's a felon: Dry-eyed and calm.
Standing alone before U.S. District Judge Sim Lake to make a statement at his sentencing hearing Monday, Skilling insisted before he learned what his punishment would be that he is remorseful about Enron's 2001 demise and its devastating fallout to employees and investors.
** the bulk of this is he maintaines his innocences, and still trys to say he did noth ng wrong
Im so glad he got the long sentance........now if they would have justtaken him away in cuffs.
in houston, many many many people lost EVERYTHING. not just the retiremnt packs that they had, but I know of at least three people tht got foreclosed on due to losing their job, one is in bankrupcy.......and had 3 teens living with her. (she is a widow due to a car crash)
and this person lived high on the hog, never once thinking about the little person.....what a loser.
I wonder how much more of sentance he had to take because of the death of Ken Lay. I think since he was the main person now responsible for the Enron scandel he had to take the brunt of it.
"Take your hands off the car, and I'll make your birth certificate a worthless document."
ManImBored wrote: I wonder how much more of sentance he had to take because of the death of Ken Lay. I think since he was the main person now responsible for the Enron scandel he had to take the brunt of it.
personally I have always thought tht skilling id it, LAy found out as he came back. LAy was tring to "fix " and got caught up. BUt SKilling had more convictions then lay also.