I play momma to three animals. one of which would not be here today if i was not momma
I take pride in my momma role.
I just thought about it (hince the edit..)
Mothers day 1997 I got footsie. My oldest now. He was 6 weeks, a stray off a stray thatwas the rubnt of the bunch and only one left. (footsie a is a 20 pounder,now about 15, but a diabetic...and not over weight. HE is just a BIG boy)
I got munchkin...the one that wouldnt be here if not for me, the last thursday in may in 2001. (eyes closed and mommas milk...)
Happy mother's Day to all those who are in the trenches day in and day out trying to make their kids better people for a better society! Kuddos Ladies!
And Happy Mother's Day to you Styx....I hope hubby pampers you well today!
And your point is???? Don't have one? Well then shut up and I'll give you one!