Hi there, this topic is quite difficult to comment first of all because it is always appeared to be so close to someone who is going through the process with their loved ones. You see, among all the symptoms that are well known, there are virtually no definitive signs of lung cancer. That is, its almost impossible to diagnose the disease by tracking the first signs. I would advise to read carefully these early signs of lung cancer https://myallamericanhospice.com/stage-lung-cancer/ in order to stay on the safe side.
-- Edited by mollyquizz on Sunday 1st of August 2021 07:43:44 AM
-- Edited by mollyquizz on Sunday 1st of August 2021 07:43:58 AM
There might be none. Or, a person can have cough, blood in sputum, chest/rib pain, weight loss, etc.. Also, if there a are metastatic lesions in places like the brain then all sorts of symptoms can occur from that.