ejay wrote:If I didn't know better I'd think you were talking about USofGay or Highway 101 or what ever he is calling himself these days.
I'm talking about whomever it is that is using my credit card to join gay porn sites ..... Hence a thread called ......credit card fraud .....
I don't know who it is .......... MY guess is that if they are able to track them down, And I hope they do ..... I'll never be told who it was ....
The email address was provided to me by the site that processed the card for the individual that stole my number .... They said the IP address of the computer could be traced back to the owner ..... But I know enough about computers to know you can disguise your IP address .....
It's not my intention to point my finger at any one individual .... Just pointing out the fact that the criminal might be gay taking into consideration that the sites that they visited were designed for gay men ....
Other then that .... taking into consideration the people that I worked with the last year ..... I could list more then a dozen people that might want to screw with my head and had multiple opportunities at getting my card number ...
Then again ... it could be just a stranger that hacked into my computer or picked it up off a cell phone conversation thru the use of a scanner ...... waitress at a restaurant ..... list goes on .....
As for stupid .... Although I've never held a very high opinion of him .... He's done nothing that I know of to indicate he might do something as stupid as this .....
Yea ... this is going to be fun ....... See if you can follow this line of thinking .....
Telephone call ....
Hi , I've had my credit card number stolen and I see a charge that was paid to you that I don't recognize .... I do have an account with you but this is not how we normally pay you ... Can you confirm the account number that was paid so we can determine if this was fraud ....
Answer ..... I'm sorry , we can not confirm due to the fact that you have told us that it might be fraud and we need to protect the identity of the account holder ....
OK .... We should have chosen the part of the criminal ..... would have had a better chance for a fair trial that way .....
ejay wrote:If I didn't know better I'd think you were talking about USofGay or Highway 101 or what ever he is calling himself these days.
You know...let me start here by saying FUCK YOU EJAY! US may be a shit at times but he is not a fucking criminal! He would never steal someone's cedit card info just to be an ass!
People's personal information/credit card info get stolen all the time and just because it's linked to gay porn sites doesn't mean shit!!! US isn't the only homosexual on the planet yah know!!!??? hell alot of straight people check out gay porn because they are curious.
And your point is???? Don't have one? Well then shut up and I'll give you one!
First ... I would like to point out that SU did not accuse anyone (nor I) ... anyone at all ... he just stated the facts ... and it looks like from the charges made ... the person might be Gay ...
Second ... You know SU's since of humor ... he had to make a joke about it ...
and ...
Third ... Whomever it is that got my account number and is charging on it ... will get caught ... sooner or later ... weather we (SU & I) find out who it is or not ... they are not being smart about what they are charging ... power bills, cell phones, etc. and yes porn sites ... will be traced back to someone ...
And I hopefully will get it all straightened out before I pull all my hair out ... ... ...
I need a drink ....
"Fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out" Romans 12, verse 2
ejay wrote:If I didn't know better I'd think you were talking about USofGay or Highway 101 or what ever he is calling himself these days.
You know...let me start here by saying FUCK YOU EJAY! US may be a shit at times but he is not a fucking criminal! He would never steal someone's cedit card info just to be an ass!
People's personal information/credit card info get stolen all the time and just because it's linked to gay porn sites doesn't mean shit!!! US isn't the only homosexual on the planet yah know!!!??? hell alot of straight people check out gay porn because they are curious.
ejay wrote:If I didn't know better I'd think you were talking about USofGay or Highway 101 or what ever he is calling himself these days.
You know...let me start here by saying FUCK YOU EJAY! US may be a shit at times but he is not a fucking criminal! He would never steal someone's cedit card info just to be an ass!
People's personal information/credit card info get stolen all the time and just because it's linked to gay porn sites doesn't mean shit!!! US isn't the only homosexual on the planet yah know!!!??? hell alot of straight people check out gay porn because they are curious.
Hey, this is fit-na get good!
Go for it ..... could use a little drama around here ... kick his ass .... pull her hair ....
Straight Up wrote:Yea ... this is going to be fun ....... See if you can follow this line of thinking .....
Telephone call ....
Hi , I've had my credit card number stolen and I see a charge that was paid to you that I don't recognize .... I do have an account with you but this is not how we normally pay you ... Can you confirm the account number that was paid so we can determine if this was fraud ....
Answer ..... I'm sorry , we can not confirm due to the fact that you have told us that it might be fraud and we need to protect the identity of the account holder ....
as sad is that answer is PLUS the fact that they know you.....just fucking sucks. I can see where they can want to protect people but your telling them its YOUR card, and YOU did not do that charge, and thats NOT how you conduct business in the past..... _______________________________________
OK .... We should have chosen the part of the criminal ..... would have had a better chance for a fair trial that way .....
A fucking MEN
if you kill some one and get death row, you get apeal after appeal after appeal, and the victims you killed.............nothing but your sorry ass doing what ever.
If I commit a crime, such as this, I can get probation and pay court cost, probation fees but then I get all the other shit for free. Say I didnt get a high school diploma, I get free GED classses and slaps on my wrist if I dont comply. Say I got a problem with alcohol or drugs, I can have up to 6 befreo I really get into deep shit, or even considered for a revoke.
but let me be a law abiding citazen that gets this POS stealing from me, or stealing my ID
I get to tote all the papaers with me, I get the bad fucking credit that I have to repair and rebuild, as they go and do the same sheit again, and angain and again.
I think its the Hooters chick trying to get you back for dumping her.
LOL....bad joke.
Have you contacted the credit report people..all of them. They need to know as well as the credit card company. They wont give you that was used because, well.....you could be the thief trying to get a number....pain in the ass, I know, but annoying is their way of protecting you.
You may be a victim of phishing....you know when we get those emails claiming to be from a credit report co or e-bay or something like that ...saying they need your credit card # to give you points or something special ..when all it is is a thief trying get your # so they can use it. My bro-in law made that mistake and a year later is still getting charged for things he and my sister have not purchased...someone just opened a Dell account in his name and bought a new computer......CCCCRRRRRAAAAPPPPPP!
US would not do this......
Good luck
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
I think its the Hooters chick trying to get you back for dumping her.
LOL....bad joke.
Have you contacted the credit report people..all of them. They need to know as well as the credit card company. They wont give you that was used because, well.....you could be the thief trying to get a number....pain in the ass, I know, but annoying is their way of protecting you.
You may be a victim of phishing....you know when we get those emails claiming to be from a credit report co or e-bay or something like that ...saying they need your credit card # to give you points or something special ..when all it is is a thief trying get your # so they can use it. My bro-in law made that mistake and a year later is still getting charged for things he and my sister have not purchased...someone just opened a Dell account in his name and bought a new computer......CCCCRRRRRAAAAPPPPPP!
US would not do this......
Good luck
Actually Bread .... We was thinking about just that ..... wondering just what was available to us and the cost involved to have a company watch over our credit report .... and getting some coverage to protect us from the fraud it self ... Already on the list of things to talk about when I get back ....
About a year ago some one got a hold of a different card number of ours .... but that company did not let the first charge go through .... they were talking to us just hours after the first attempt was made to charge something with it .
As for the Hooters chick ... she is between here and the house ... I might be a day late ...
ejay wrote:If I didn't know better I'd think you were talking about USofGay or Highway 101 or what ever he is calling himself these days.
You know...let me start here by saying FUCK YOU EJAY! US may be a shit at times but he is not a fucking criminal! He would never steal someone's cedit card info just to be an ass!
People's personal information/credit card info get stolen all the time and just because it's linked to gay porn sites doesn't mean shit!!! US isn't the only homosexual on the planet yah know!!!??? hell alot of straight people check out gay porn because they are curious.
Tsk Tsk. As if I need to explain what I wrote, I wrote it because he is the only male homosexual I know here on TOP.
Did I strike a nerve? Well don't expect me to get upset at your chicken scratch of a response. Whoops, katscratch that is.
BTW I never said anything about him being a criminal. I think SU understood that when he pointed out the topic header in his response.
Tsk Tsk. As if I need to explain what I wrote, I wrote it because he is the only male homosexual I know here on TOP.
Did I strike a nerve? Well don't expect me to get upset at your chicken scratch of a response. Whoops, katscratch that is.
BTW I never said anything about him being a criminal. I think SU understood that when he pointed out the topic header in his response.
1. there are more than 1 homosexuals around here. 2. USofA isn't even here. 3. Your accusation is more like profiling and we all know profiling is wrong! 4. Just because a member got there cc# stolen doesn't mean it was someone here....the world is much bigger than TOP. 5. you basically DID say USofA was a criminal by implying he would do such a thing.
Do I care if my response upset you...NO...I don't know you, didn't ask to...but i do know USofA and therefore have the right to defend a friend who isn't allowed to be here to defend himself! Am I entitled to that opinion....OFCOURSE....just like you are yours whether it's right or not.....
As for feed the drama to add some life to the place.....not today.....sorry gang, you'll have to eat your popcorn and dry-fart somewhere else!
BTW....IO & SU...I never accused you of anything, I simply quoted Ejays crap-o-la response. I know you two well enough to know better.
And your point is???? Don't have one? Well then shut up and I'll give you one!
there are more than 1 homosexuals around here I don't care how many homosexuals there are here. Does it matter?
USofA isn't even here I didn't know that nor do I care. Does it matter?
Your accusation is more like profiling and we all know profiling is wrong! Well, you know us cops are always out profiling the public. And if I was profiling anything it was the assumtion that it was all a poke at USofGay.
Just because a member got there cc# stolen doesn't mean it was someone here....the world is much bigger than TOP Really? There is a big bad world out there? I should get to know it a little better then I do everyday by solving everyone elses problems for a living. Again who said anything about US stealing a credit card number?
you basically DID say USofA was a criminal by implying he would do such a thing Doing and basicly doing are not the same. And I think he has thick enough skin to see past the 5% of an implied accusation that may or may not have been there in the first place. Though I could be wrong. He was quite the drama queen at times.
Do I care if my response upset you...NO...I don't know you, didn't ask to...but i do know USofA and therefore have the right to defend a friend who isn't allowed to be here to defend himself! Am I entitled to that opinion....OFCOURSE....just like you are yours whether it's right or not..... I don't know you either (or care to) but I can respect your need to stick up for a friend. And if you don't give a fuck if you upset me then why the hell did you go about calling me an asshole and specificly telling me to fuck off? Those two are used to insult someone so if you don't care you might as well be telling it to a brick wall. Not that I am offended because there is nothing you can call me at all that I haven't been called before.
As for feed the drama to add some life to the place.....not today.....sorry gang, you'll have to eat your popcorn and dry-fart somewhere else! Maybe I'm just tired but didn't you do just feed the drama by responding in the first place?
BTW....IO & SU...I never accused you of anything, I simply quoted Ejays crap-o-la response. I know you two well enough to know better. Can't say that I'm sorry that you don't know me enough to know better but it sure would have simplified this whole thread.
Oh well. No sweat of my brow. I'm going to get some sleep now